
Please Don't Let Your Web Developer Write Your Content

One of the biggest mistakes that I've seen small (and mid-sized!) businesses make is to allow the person who creates that great-looking website to write their content fnr them.

Now, this is not a diatribe against web developers. I happen to like them, and work with several. But unless your website designer happens to also be a gifted copywriter (and this is rare), you'll get a great site and mediocre content.

Most website designers know a little SEO. They can create titles (sort of), keywords, and metadescriptions.

But you could be cheating yourself if you let someone who doesn't understand the psychology of sales, or how to motivate people how to click on link, or fill out a form do your writing for you.

Why It Doesn't Work

Most website designers are visual people. They understand the placement of text, and how to create a nice-looking design. The really good ones have studied how design plays a part in conversion.

But they probably don't know your product, or your target audience, the way you do. They won't know the questions your customers ask, or how to overcome objections, and explain benefits clearly and logically.

You do. That's why you should be the one to create the content; or, you can hire a professional copywriter who will interview you, learn about your business, and create content that is search engine friendly and help convert site visitors.

How to Write Great Website Content

First, identify the keywords you want to use for your website. If you aren't sure which ones to use, you can create a free Google AdWords account, or download a free tool such as Traffic Travis.

Choose the main keywords for that page you want to target.

Now, sit down and think about how you would talk to someone who came and visited your business the first time. What would you want them to know about you and your business?

Jot down a few words and phrases that come to mind. If you have trouble typing, you can take a tape recorder, and have a family member or friend interview you and record what you say. Then, transcribe your conversation, in which you answer the person's questions about you and your business - just as if you were talking to them.

Be sure to discuss the unique things you offer customers, that no one else can- the things that make you better than your competitiors.

You now have the basis for the content you will write.

Edit it down to the main, core message. Check to make sure that your keywords are there.

Read it out loud. Does it sound good to you? Read it to someone else.

You'll have content that you can use to market your business!

Article Source: Lee Waldrop

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